Sorta, not exactly but mostly. You’ll see what I mean…

We’re going to address the places that feel weakened and shore them up.

Clear the debris from your path so that you can see long and clearly.

Develop your tool kit, making sure that you are confident in using everything we pack in there on your own - aka without me.

With your permission, I can work with your therapist to make the most of your time together, unlocking stuck places in order to go deeper in your counseling time. By your leave I can also stay in touch with your attorney, should you have retained one, so that we can work in tandem to help you to come to a place of confidence and clear vision when preparing for pivotal decision points, joint meetings or court appearances. We can work as a well-connected team in support of your divorce process and goals.

Even if your “team” is just YOU, we can absolutely work on processing your experiences AND getting you ready for the big decisions as you make your way through your divorce process. Consider me your personal Neuro/Emotional/Organizational Multi-tool. We’re gonna MacGyver this situation.

Whatever the blocks or challenges are, administrative or intimate, we’ll tease ‘em out of the shadows, identify their roots and nip it all into shape in a way that makes sense for you now and for where you want this journey to take you.

My ultimate goal is to see you, not leaning on me but striding onward empowered, strong and trusting of yourself on your own two feet. I BELIEVE IN YOU, in your own powerful knowing, in the strength that resides within you. Sometimes we need an outside hand to guide us back to ourselves. xo T